Now is the time to spread the Word.
Keep Some, Give Some, & Bless Someone!
I take my authority in who I
am and whom I serve~
This Is How I Fight My Battle!
God finds no fault in me! I Am Who
You Say I Am!
I take every thought captive and say,
Mind Get In Line!
God's Word out of my mouth is medicine to my body~
Lying Symptoms Have To Go!
I will always know what to do.
I Have A Helper
No matter what the weapon is, I win! No Fear Here!
There's no better time than now to begin a 21 day challange in your shower with C2YC Words that Work on the wall. Renew YOUR mind with the washing of God's Word and YOUR voice heard and walk out with power, love, and a sound mind. See your faith arise in and 2025 a shower of blessings come your way every day!

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“One of the best ways to obey these scriptures is to have God’s Word before you in the shower. Reading God’s Word out-loud every day is the quickest way I know to renew my mind . . . The convenience of having these Clings everyday before my eyes in the shower is so life changing when acted upon. This truly is a modern way to keep God’s Words before our eyes. Prov. 4:20,21. ”— Gary, Tulsa,OK
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“The Clings have helped me stay focused on God’s Divine plan and will for my life in my business. Stepping into the shower and speaking His Word everyday has been a great blessing in my life. Thank-you”— Anne, Ada, MI
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"Dear friend, listen well to my
words; turn your ears to my voice. Keep my message in plain view at all times. Concentrate! Learn it by heart! Those who discover these words live, really live; body and soul, they're bursting with health." Proverbs 4:20-22 MSG
My Story
My friend, it's not the storms of life that defeat us. It's not the devil that defeats us. We are defeated by our wrong believing and speaking! i am living proof; there is no dollar amount that can resolve a spiritual problem which results in sickness, heartache, and pain. When I had revelation; faith had a voice, saw my identity in Christ, and had an Acts 2:4 encounter; there was no turning back! My body and broken heart have been supernaturally healed many times over, family restored, debts paid in full, and my past no longer controls my future. My story can be yours!
Psalm 118:17 The MSG says it best! I didn't die. I lived. I will tell the whole world what God did!
Right outside our doors are people who have lost all joy, dying for hope and criying for a miracle.
Thank you for joining us in spreading Cling To Your Confession Words that Work as you transform your mind with God's Word and your voice heard in the shower!